The program of (Un)sustainable?!? Worklab is online!
Research shows that as early as 2025, the IT industry will use up to 20% of the world’s energy, which corresponds to around 5.5% of Co2 emissions. Driven by the constant digitization of all areas of life, the Internet of Things and living habits that are increasingly hungry for energy and data, the energy consumption of the Internet is increasing rapidly. Our planet is experiencing unprecedented climate change, and the internet is both part of the problem and part of the solution. From websites to training artificial intelligence, creating crypto-art or mining cryptocurrencies, the Internet consumes large amounts of electricity in data centers, telecommunication networks and on our devices such as laptops and smartphones. Can digital technologies such as blockchain or machine learning even help us to avert climate change, ensure transparency in the fight against corruption and strengthen democratic action? How can we design approaches for a future worth living in - also with the help of sustainable infrastructures and new technologies? With the annual program for 2022, we want to explore ecological, systemic approaches and questions about diversity and sustainability in terms of technology and digitization. Following a proven method, we exploit the creative potential of by creating process-oriented collective work situations. Within the framework of worklabs and artist residencies, we bring together technophile creatives and critical spirits of social digitization.
From Thursday - Saturday we will work in smaller and bigger groups in different locations in Graz. If you are interested to join, please write to
The workshops will be held in English, some artists talk Spanish, Italian, Slovenian or Dutch and will be held off-line or sometimes in a hybrid form. To participate and receive more information, please sign up at:
Participating artists: Marloes de Valk, Francesco Nordio, César Escudero Andaluz, Klimentina Li, Jessica Renfro, Nejc Trampuž, Davide Bevilacqua.